Kaos GL and Pink Life’s Criminal Complaint Against Posters and Online Statements Calling for Massacring LGBTs

Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association and Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association is filing a criminal complaint with the Information Technology Bureau of the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the group Young Islamic Defense’s statement issued on their website and the posters posted throughout Ankara streets which quote a hadith by the prophet Muhammad calling for the massacre of LGBT individuals. Attorneys Hayriye Kaya, Yasemin Öz, and Oya Aydın are accusing Global Analysis (Küresel Analiz), the content provider for the website, for violating constitutional rights and relevant legislation in the Turkish Penal Code regarding inciting hatred and provocation to crime. Below are key points underlined in the complaint:


In the relevant article it was stated that:

The march of the organization entitled ‘LGBT’, that we are ashamed even to write the long form thereof, has once again proven us that the remains of the Tribe of Lot are still present in this day and age. These people living the summit of immorality also made sure to ridicule the names of the holy Three Months, namely ‘Rajab, Sha’bān and Ramadan’. We could not have remained indifferent, in the God’s righteous path, to this deprived march in the void cause. We showed effort both to raise awareness of our society and to do a small portion of our part. By putting up our posters on this matter to some areas, we shared the hadith ‘If you see the one carrying out the Tribe of Lot’s dirty work, kill the doer and the done!’ mentioned in Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood, with our society in order to show that the Muslims must not stay silent about this and that Islam strictly forbids this matter. Our wish is that we learn the conduct Islam requests from us, in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, instead of learning it from the preachers who cannot scream the truth on televisions.”

Below the statement, there were photographs of the posters (Annex-1) stating “If you see the one carrying out the Tribe of Lot’s dirty work, kill the the doer and the done” that were put up in various areas.


There is an explicit call for the murder of LGBT individuals justified by religious references in the statement on the website  and the posters (as shown in the photographs below the statement).

(1) The person who provokes a crime shall be punished by imprisonment for six months to five years.

(2) The person who provokes a section of society to arm itself and kill another section of society shall be punished by imprisonment for 15 to 24 years.

(3) In the event of said crimes being committed, the person who provokes the crime shall be punished as the person who enables the crime.

As explained above and as can be seen in the internet print outs attached to our petition, through this statement and posters, a call is issued to Muslims not to be spectators to “immorality” but to kill LGBT people.

Both the statement on the website and the posters make LGBT individuals the target of violence and assault.

(1) Any person who openly provokes a group of the society having different characteristics with regard to social class, race, religion, sect or region, to be rancorous or hostile against another group, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years in case such act causes an apparent and imminent danger with respect to public safety.

(2) Any person who openly humiliates a group of the society based on their difference as to social class, race, religion, sect, sex or region, is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year.

(3) Any person who openly insults the religious values adopted by a group of the society is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year, if such act causes potential risk to public peace.

The claim concerning the insult made through hate speech can be asserted to be based on sexual orientation, which is as serious as hate speech based on race, ethnicity, or color.

Freedom of expression and dissemination are not absolute and limitless

Expressions that advocate violence towards a certain group cannot be considered within the scope of freedom of expression

LEGAL BASIS: Constitution, Turkish Penal Code, Law No. 5651 and applicable legislation

EVIDENCE: Recordings of the city surveillance and security cameras, witnesses, experts and all legal evidences

CONCLUSION and REQUEST: Based on the reasons explained above and to be considered ex officio, it is requested by proxy that the persons who put up the relevant posters be determined by reviewing the city surveillance and security cameras’ recordings, and be sentenced for the crimes of Provoking Commission of Offense (Turkish Penal Code Art. 214) and Provoking the Society to Rancor and Hostility, and Contempt (Turkish Penal Code Art. 216); and furthermore, as a provisional measure of protection, the content published on 6 July 2015 in the website entitled “Remains of the Tribe of Lot” be removed.

On behalf of

Kaos GL Association and Pink Life Association

Atty. Hayriye KARA


1) Print-out of the content published on 6 July 2015 in the website entitled “Remains of the Tribe of Lot”

2) Power of Attorney