Hande Kader’s murder protested in Eastern Turkey

Malatya Youth Against Homophobia and Transphobia Initiative, protested the Hande Kader’s murder, the trans woman whose body was found burned in Istanbul, and said “Down with your murderous morality”

Source: “Hande Kader Cinayeti Malatya’da protesto edildi”,,August 22, 2016,

Madi Diva read the press declaration on behalf of the initiative and called for solidarity, stressing that violence and hatred against trans individuals are left with impunity, that trans suicides are murders resulting from oppression:

“Trans woman who was murdered in Antep, Dora in İzmir, Şeker Buse and Hande Kader in Istanbul were murdered only because of their gender identities. Down with your morality that slaughters us just because of our gender identity, our diversity and colors.”

We want this mentality to be eradicated!

“A trans man called Utku committed suicide this past July. Utku wasn’t the last trans person to commit suicide, there were Eylül Cansın, Okyanus Efe, Figen and many others before him… Trans suicides are murders that are carried out based on societal and family pressure. Therefore we repeatedly stress that trans suicides are political as well.”

“The male mentality does not only kill us, but reproduce itself on a daily basis with its policies of rape, harassment and violence. The mentality that raped a 9 month old baby girl who lived in a refugee camp recently, was the same in the case of Hande Kader, Madımak and Suruç. We call on all women, others and the oppressed to stand with us to eradicate this mentality.”