They injured a trans woman with a pump rifle and forced her home!

In Ankara two men and one woman attacked a trans sex worker with a pump rifle, then forced the wounded trans woman to a house. They then dropped her off at a hospital following a taxi driver’s insistence.

Source: Kaos GL, “Trans kadını tüfekle yaralayıp zorla eve götürdüler!” (“They injured a trans woman with a pump rifle and forced her home!”), 16 January 2017,

A trans woman sex worker suffered an armed attack on Ankara’s Libya Street on the night between January 15 and January 16. The attacker disappeared after injuring the trans woman in the leg with a pump rifle. The trans woman’s treatment at Ankara Numune Hospital is ongoing.

The statement of the trans woman, who was shot in her right leg, was taken towards morning by policemen from the Ankara Çankaya District Police Department, in the room she was staying in, with the participation of Pembe Hayat Association’s lawyer Rıza Yalçın Koçak.

They injured her with a rifle and forced her home!

In a news report from Pembe Hayat, the trans woman who suffered the attack explained what she went through as follows:

“I earn my living by doing sex work. At around 2:30 AM a taxi I didn’t recognize stopped in front of me. They said that they wanted to meet with me. In the vehicle, aside from the taxi driver, there were two men and one woman. The person speaking to me was very drunk. I didn’t accept [the offer to] stay in the car. After this [the individual] got out of the car and shot at my leg with a pump rifle. Then they forced me into the car and brought me to a house. Here, upon seeing that my wound was large and that I had lost an excessive amount of blood, they took me to Numune Hospital at the insistence of the taxi driver. I am filing a complaint and opening a lawsuit against the transphobic attacker, whose name I learned is Uğur, the other man whose name I know to be Aliş, and the woman by their side who was helping them.”

Attackers wanted

Doctors remarked that the trans woman who suffered the attack would undergo treatment for at least 15 days following surgery.

The eyewitness taxi driver was reached thanks to other trans sex workers, and his statement was taken at the Çankaya Police Department. Efforts to catch the attackers are ongoing.