
Knife attack against trans woman

[Trigger warning: This news story depicts threats of rape as well as violence. –Trans.]

A trans woman in Ankara almost lost her hand following a knife attack. She told Kaos GL about her experience during the attack, the neglect from the police, and how she was tagged as “military deserter” in the process.

bihter-at-kaosglSource: Ömer Akpınar, “Trans kadına sallamalı saldırı: Kafayı kolla kızım!” [“Knife attack against trans woman”], Kaos GL, 28 April 2015,

Bihter is a trans woman living in Ankara. She risked losing her left hand following an attack on the night of April 7. She was hospitalized for two weeks and currently has 172 stitches in her hand. When the police remained indifferent to her efforts to find justice, the Gelincik Project by the Ankara Bar Association offered her legal support. Bihter, who lost her wedding ring and her solitaire ring along with 230 liras [$85], talked about her experiences with Kaos GL.
