
“I was a commander but when I came out as trans, it was all finished”

Doğa told us of her education and work life for the upcoming “We can’t get enough of trans” book: “I was a commander in the state’s military at age 18. When I came out as trans, all those certificates, praises, badges were zeroed. I think it’s very funny.”

Source: Yıldız Tar, “Komutandım, trans olduğumu söyleyince her şey sıfırlandı,” (“I was a commander but when I came out as trans, it was all finished”),, 9 December 2014,

Doğa from the the Counselling Centre for Transgender People Association (T-Der) answered our questions for the upcoming “We can’t get enough of trans” book.

We are sharing Doğa’s story of family, education, activism, media, the problems facing the trans movement and possible solutions.
