LGBT rights in Turkey’s Universities

Apparently Society is Not Ready for an LGBT Student Club Either!

Source: Kaos GL, “Meğer Toplum LGBT Öğrenci Topluluğuna da Hazır Değilmiş!” (“Apparently Society is Not Ready for an LGBT Student Club Either!”), 2 October 2013,

Apparently Society is Not Ready for an LGBT Student Club Either!

Ege University’s LGBT students’ application for the student club status was rejected on the grounds that “society is not ready for a student club like this.”

Members of the Ege University Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Research and Solidarity Community protested the Rectorship for not accepting their “club” application.

“We live in a country where teachers call their students “fags”!”

Members of Ege Legebit who identify themselves “students who do not accept the patriarchal system” made a statement after the protest.

“We live in a country where teachers call their homosexual students “fags.” We are students who do not accept the patriarchal system of this country. Schools have etched in our brains the idea that we are perverts. Our parents who were exposed to the same education now kill their children in the name of honor; the reason of that we are not who they wanted. Even that being the case, our society is still shocked that “in the old times, they used to bury their daughters alive.”
