AKP Dağoğlu’s Rebuttal of CHP’s Motion to Investigate LGBT Problems

Source: eshmovie, “AKP’li vekil Türkan Dağoğlu homofobi’ye yenik düştü: LGBT denen durum normal dışı bir davranış!,” (“AKP Parliamentarian Türkan Dağoğlu succumbs to homophobia: LGBT condition is a behavior that is outside the bounds of normality,)” 29 May 2013,

Deputy President of the Commission on Health, Family, Labor, and Social Affairs, Türkan Dağoğlu’s speech at The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) on 29 May 2013.

Note: Motion was rejected after parliamentary vote.

First and foremost, as a medical doctor I would like to know what this (being LGBT) is about. I think you would also like to know. Is this a biological disorder? Is it a sociological case? Or is it a psychological condition? Which one is it? We have to first make that decision.

Psychiatric institutions have researched this in 1974 in the USA and in 1992 in Europe and they came to this conclusion: this condition, which we call “LGBD” is a behavior that is outside the bounds of normality. This is not a normal behavior.

The Justice and Development Party has expressed on many occasions that it values humans for their humanity, considers all to be equal in front of the law, and loves the created on account of the Creator. All precautions on the social level are not based on a specific sexual orientation but are intended for all people’s benefit. Furthermore, because of this value we ascribe to our people, it is not righteous to open the door to lifestyles that our public would not approve and in a way encourage this behavior, nor is it to allow public corruption.

In our battle against the murders of women we’ve never ignored anybody because they are trans individuals. Whether it is a murder of women, or a murder of men, or attacks and murder attempts of people with different sexual orientations, we’ve approached the subject with our zero tolerance for violence policy. So the argument that “LGBD” individuals are neglected does not reflect the truth.

A woman marrying a woman, or a man marrying a man is not a right. On the contrary, it is a practice that leads to public corruption that presents itself as if it is favorable by reversing sexual constructs. I find the idea that we should consider the West modern as groundless. As we all followed through the media, the famous French historian Dominique Venner has committed suicide in Paris’ famous Notre Dame Cathedral to protest the passing of the law that allows same-sex marriages.The protests against the passing of this law that’s been held in France with the participation of thousands of people shows that the public opinion is not ready in developed countries including Turkey, and even in the most democratic countries.

The thing that must be done is to work in tandem with NGOs on taking preventive measures against hate crimes and murders towards trans individuals. Officials and members of the judiciary who work against this should be effectively prevented from making arbitrary or discriminatory decisions. In order to achieve this, NGOs, who are our eyes on the ground, should be in an effective decision-making dialogue.

Related Translations:

CHP Toprak’s Motion to Investigate LGBT Problems

CHP Erdemir’s Support of CHP Motion to Investigate LGBT Problems

BDP Kürkçü’s Support of CHP Motion to Investigate LGBT Problems