Stop Discrimination against LGBT Students in Education!

Source: Kaos GL. “Eğitimde LGBT’lere Yönelik Ayrımcılığa Son Verin!” (“Stop Discrimination against LGBT Students in Education!”), 16 September 2013,

Kaos GL Education Workgroup released a statement on 16 September 2013 as the new school year begins.

The only fact that does not change in the National Education System: Discrimination! 

“Today the new school year begins. In the National Education System, which has been changed 5 times in the last 10 years, so much so that it has turned into a puzzle, the only fact that does not change is discrimination. Those who claim that it has become a more up to date system have not taken a single necessary step towards eradicating discrimination. Instead, implementations that deepen discrimination were put into practice. Religious elements were gradually put in place in education and requests from Alevis, people with different religions, atheists, and parents who want their children to get a secular education were disregarded. Kurdish people’s request for education in their native language was not fulfilled in spite of the ongoing “peace” process.”

LGBT students have to struggle to exist!

“LGBT students get the biggest share of the Turkish National Education System’s discriminative, exclusionist, and marginalizing politics. Not only are they deprived of the universal “right” to education ensured by the constitution, by law, and by international agreements, but also the discrimination against LGBTs is rendered invisible. LGBT students struggle to exist and to be self-respecting independent individuals under the pressure of their parents, teachers, and school managements who have been educated by the same educational process that is intolerant of difference, variation and pluralism.”

LGBT educators are alone!

“LGBT educators cannot raise their voices against discrimination because of the fear of pressure, exclusion or even losing their jobs. The lack of an LGBT policy at the level of unions and their inability to develop awareness on the discrimination against LGBTs mean that LGBT educators are left all alone!”

Join the Kaos GL Education Workgroup!

“As the Kaos GL Discrimination in Education Workgroup, we will work on uncovering all discriminatory and exclusionary practices in the educational system starting with discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, as we did last year. Let’s reveal the discrimination, pressure and violence LGBT educators and students face in order to create a libertarian and egalitarian educational system.

If you are an educator, you can contact us and share your experiences without having to give your personal information such as your first or last name.

If you are a student who has been subjected to discrimination and violence in the educational field, you can contact us and share your experiences.

Come join us and let’s reveal the discrimination, pressure and violence LGBT educators and students face.”