“He stabbed, washed his hands and got on with his life”

Source: Mehmet Bilber, “Bıçakladı, elini yıkadı ve hayata karıştı. Trans İdil’e bunu yapan aramızda,” (“He stabbed, washed his hands and got on with his life. The person who did this to trans İdil is among us.”) Radikal, 03 December 2013, http://www.radikal.com.tr/turkiye/bicakladi_elini_yikadi_ve_hayata_karisti_trans_idile_bunu_yapan_aramizda-1164136

He stabbed, washed his hands and got on with his life. The person who did this to trans İdil is among us.

Violence against LGBTT people does not ease down. The latest victim of an act of violence is 26 year old İdil. She survived a knife attack by chance. İdil was in the hospital for 10 days and identified the perpetrator through city surveillance cameras but he still has not be found. Pink Life LGBTT Solidarity Association’s lawyer Ahmet Toköz stated that there has been no investigation or a capture operation. The President of the Red Umbrella Association of Sexual Health and Human Rights  Kemal Ördek said that as of November there have been 5 trans women murders this year.

He chased her with the knife on the street as well

İdil who works as a sex worker wanted to have intercourse with a man who came to her house at Çankaya around 01:00 PM on 16 November. They could not have intercourse because of the man’s sexual problems. Afterwards, the man excused himself in order to use the bathroom. When he got out of the bathroom he stuck the knife he was hiding in his hand into İdil’s stomach. While İdil was lying on the ground, the perpetrator went to the bathroom upstairs and washed his hands in cold blood. In the meantime İdil ran outside and started shouting and the perpetrator chased her waving the knife. He then left the crime scene with the same cold-blooded attitude. İdil lost consciousness and was rushed into surgery. Doctors used 40 stitches and they could tell by the severe injuries to her internal organs that the perpetrator tried to kill her by twisting the knife in her stomach. İdil who was treated in the hospital for 10 days stated that the perpetrator did not touch anything valuable in the house and the act was not committed with the purpose of extortion; it was an act of hate.

İdil said that during her treatment in the hospital, police came in order to take her statement and she also stated, “The first policeman who came to take my statement asked, “Why do they keep you in the women’s ward.” I told him, “You are talking nonsense.” The other policemen who came later said, “You know the truth but you are not telling us.” It was like they were making fun of me. I identified the perpetrator through city surveillance cameras but looking at the way things are going, I do not think they will find him.” İdil said that the police told her to vacate her house or else she would be fined for prostitution and added, “When I am the one in question, things run like clockwork but when it is the one who tried to kill me, they do not take a blind bit of notice.”

“He might commit serial killings”

Pink Life Association lawyer Ahmet Toköz said that the attacker attempted murder and added, “There has been no investigation or a capture operation and the perpetrator may commit serial killings because of his sexual dysfunction.”

According to the reported data, the President of the Red Umbrella Association of Sexual Health and Human Rights Kemal Ördek said that as of November there have been 5 trans women murders this year. Ördek stated, “This is the number of the reported events. The government openly removed the punishment for discrimination based on “gender identity” from the Anti-discrimination and Equality Bill. Thus the bill waiting in the Assembly right now ignores the discrimination that trans people are subjected to in the field of employment.”

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