Universities to adopt new ‘Özgecan Aslan Prevention’ act

After evaluating the experience of university student Özgecan Aslan, The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) has decided that universities should implement regulatory cautions for the security of girl [sic] university students.

Source: “Üniversitelere ‘Özgecan Aslan önlemi’ getiriliyor” (“Universities to adopt new ‘Özgecan Aslan Prevention’ act”), Çağdaş Ses, 30 May 2015, http://www.cagdasses.com/guncel/14718/universitelere-ozgecan-aslan-onlemi-getiriliyor

After evaluating the experience of university student Özgecan Aslan [murdered, burned, and dismembered on 11 February 2015 allegedly by minibus driver who tried to rape her and two accomplices], The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) has decided that universities should implement regulatory cautions for girl [sic] university students’ security. Accordingly, universities, campuses, and lecture halls will be planned, illuminated, and equipped with communication means with an eye towards the security of especially girl [sic] students.

Cooperation will be established with the Agency of Dormitories and Debt of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to ensure that new dormitories to be built specifically for girl [sic] students will be near or inside university campuses.

University presidents will take necessary precautions to ensure safe transportation to university campuses in cooperation with the local administrations.

Gender equality courses

The Council of Higher Education reviewed the results of the gender equality courses in the “University Workshop for Gender Equality Sensitivity” report. It has been decided that:

  • Universities will either schedule a semesterly scientific event or a “Gender Equality” course will be taught in higher education programs, with the same or a different title, in the same conceptual field, in accordance with the decision taken by the authorized body of the university.
  • Students as well as professors will be consulted regarding the course content in cases where this course is included in the [academic] program.
  • In cases where subject matter experts to teach the course cannot be located, the course may be offered as an online e-course as part of formal education.
  • The structure in the Health, Culture, and Sport Administrations will be rendered able to provide medical and psychological support in collaboration with Women’s Problems [sic] Studies [i.e. Women’s Studies -Trans.] and Application Centers [i.e. Women’s Centers -Trans.] on the basis of accessibility, confidentiality, and safety in relation to sexual harassment and sexual assault.
  • Educational efforts for sexual harassment and sexual assault awareness will be executed.
  • New arrangements will be made in disciplinary bylaws regarding behaviors [sic] such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, and mobbing.
  • A “Unit on Women’s Studies and Problems in Academia” will be established to study preventive measures against problems that are encountered, to strengthen existing statutes, and to evaluate cases such as harassment, mobbing, and sexual assault against female faculty.

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