Hate speech against LGBTI by the Milli Irade Platformu

Hate speech against LGBTI by the Milli Irade Platformu, a pro-government platform of civil society organizations: “Our morality is our value. The people does not forgive those who pushes forward homosexual perversion onto the people as if it were a legitimate act. To legitimize the publicization of sin is an assassination against the values of this people. This initiative will fail yet again with The People’s Will.” (Scroll down for a list of organizations allegedly supporting this statement.)

Source: Milli Irade Platformu [The National Will Platform], “Biz Değerlerimizin Tarafındayız…” (“We are on the side of our values…”), ND, http://www.milliiradeplatformu.com/biz-degerlerimizin-tarafindayiz

100 years ago, following World War I, we not only lost our Global State that ruled over 3 continents, we also became subject to never ending attacks to our dreams, passions, excitements, ideals, hope, and most importantly, our self-esteem.

Our blessed walk, our dream and ideal to become the big Turkey, was continuously interrupted as much by external aggressors as it was by coups, by terror, by unnecessary debates that had us lose our energy, and by the probationary institutions the governed over liberties and the national will.

Turkey’s ill fate changed in the last 13 years. The boundaries, barriers, obstructions, and cruelties of a 100 years melted away in face of the people’s will.

It shall be known that;

We are the people of these lands that were kneaded with Islam. We are those who turned their path to that of Allah. We are a generation who works to raise the honor and dignity of humanity and who does not lose their hope in the face of all sorts of cruelty inflicted upon themselves because of their beliefs in their own home country.

The Imam Hatip Schools [a type of ultra-religious schooling system], which our people entrusted their children so that they can learn its belief and its religion, is our currency. The reopening of the Imam Hatip Schools and the ending of tyrannies of the coefficient[1] and the headscarf[2] are the manifestation of the national will. All sects who claim and promise to close down these schools are people who have become alienated from our values.

“The Directorate of Religious Affairs,” which provides religious services in our nation with expertise and merit, and its precious Chair are our currency. We witness a dyspepsia against the “[Directorate of] Religious Affairs” taking an active role in our nation and in the Muslim geographies. Those who are experiencing this dyspepsia in these lands kneaded by Islam should know that these ugly campaigns of yours and your alienated propaganda language reinforce our endurance for laying claim to this people’s religion and institutions.

Jerusalem, which is our first qibla [sic], is entrusted to us by [Caliph) Umar and Salah ad-din Ayyubi. We will continue to lay claim to what has been entrusted in us and to stand against Zionists, who claim Jerusalem to be a Jewish city, and against the alienated propaganda language, and against those who ridicule our qibla [sic] Kaaba.

Our morality is our value. The people does not forgive those who pushes forward homosexual perversion onto the people as if it were a legitimate act. To legitimize the publicization of sin is an assassination against the values of this people. This initiative will fail yet again with The People’s Will.

Syria is our brother, Iraq is our brother, as is Palestine, Gaza, Jerusalem, Arakan, East Turkistan, as well as the whole of  the Islamic Geography that is crying under tyranny. It is the requirement of our humanity and our belief to lay claim to anyone who rings our door asking for help, to any refugee who becomes our guest, and to any brother of ours who became a war victim.

“We are on the side of our values.”

We are where we need to be for the protection and proliferation of our religion, our currencies, our morality, our concepts, and our institutions.

Our elbow grease is for the New Turkey as much as is our benediction.

We know that the people and the ummah is along us in support of the rising New Turkey.

It is so announced respectfully to the public.


[Organizations allegedly in support of the above statement]

Arslan Bey Eğitim ve Kültür Merkezi Arslan Bey Education and Culture Center
Abdülkadir Geylani Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı Abdülkadir Geylani Education and Culture Foundation
Istanbul Ahıskalılar Vakfı Istanbul Ahıskalılar Foundation
Afrika Dostluk Derneği Afrika Friendship Association
Akademi Lisan ve Ilmi Araştırmalar Derneği Akademi Language and Scientific Research Association
Avrasya Araştırma Eğitim ve Sosyal Hizmet Vakfı Avrasya Research Education and Social Service Foundation
Aydost Eğitim Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği Aydost Education Culture and Solidarity Association
AYSIT Anadolu Yakası Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Platformu AYSIT Anatolia Yakası NGO Platform
Aziz Mahmüd Hüdayi Vakfı Aziz Mahmüd Hüdayi Foundation
Bab-ı Alem Uluslarası Öğrenci Derneği Bab-ı Alem International Student Association
Barla Platformu Barla Platform
Cihannüma Cihannüma
Çamlıca Eğitim Kültür ve Sosyal Hizmetler Derneği Çamlıca Education Culture and Social Services Association
Çare Yardımlaşma ve Kalkınma Derneği Çare Cooperation and Development Association
Çıdam Eğitim Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği Çıdam Education Culture and Solidarity Association
Bilim ve Insan Vakfı Science and Human Foundation
Erzincan Kültür Eğitim Vakfı Erzincan Culture Education Foundation
Ekim-Der Eğitim Kültür Ilim ve Medeniyet Derneği Ekim-Der Education Culture Knowledge and Modernity Association
ELKEV Elbistan Kültür Eğitim Vakfı ELKEV Elbistan Culture Education Foundation
EMILDER Emekli Ilahiyatçı Öğretmenler ve Din Görevlileri Derneği EMILDER Retired Religion Teachers and Religion Employees Association
Emirsultan Vakfı Emirsultan Foundation
Girişimci Işadamları Vakfı Girişimci Businessmen [sic] Foundation
Gül Vakfı Gül Foundation
Gürcistan Dostluk Derneği Gürcistan Friendship Association
Mavi Haliç Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneği Mavi Haliç Youth and Sports Club Association
Gençleri Evlenirme ve Mehir Vakfı Marrying the Youth and Mehir Foundation
GIMDEŞ Gıda ve Ihtiyaç Maddeleri Denetleme ve Sertifikalandırma Derneği GIMDEŞ Food and Necessary Goods Evaluation and Certification Association
IDSB Islam Dünyası STK’ları Birliği IDSB Islam World NGOs Union
Irfan Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı Irfan Education and Culture Foundation
IGETEV Insan Gelişimi ve Toplumsal Eğitim Vakfı IGETEV Human Development and Social Education Foundation
Ilkseç Vakfı Ilkseç Foundation
Insanlığa Hizmet Vakfı Service to Humanity Foundation
IGIAD Türkiye Iktisadi Girisim ve Iş Ahlakı Derneği IGIAD Turkey Iktisadi Girisim and Work Ethic Association
Ilim Yayma Cemiyeti Knowledge Evangelic Community
Ilim Yayma Vakfı Knowledge Evangelic Foundation
Haliliye Kültür ve Ilim Vakfı Haliliye Culture and Knowledge Foundation
Küreselden Yerele Türkiye Grubu Global to Local Turkey Group
Liman Eğitim ve Dayanışma Derneği Liman Education and Solidarity Association
Marmara Eğitim Gönüllüleri Derneği Marmara Education Volunteers Association
Birlik Vakfı Unity Foundation
Mutlu Yuva Mutlu Yaşam Derneği Happy Home Happy Life Association
Milli Kültür ve Ahlaka Hizmet Vakfı National Culture and Service to Morality Foundation
Mavera Eğitim ve Sağlık Vakfı Mavera Education and Health Foundation
Nizip Eğitim ve Dayanışma Derneği Nizip Education and Solidarity Association
Nur Ilim ve Eğitim Vakfı – Nur Vakfı Nur Knowledge and Education Foundation – Nur Foundation
Süreyya Eğitim Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği Süreyya Education Culture and Solidarity Association
Safa Yardımlaşma Dayanışma Vakfı – Safa Vakfı Safa Cooperation Solidarity Foundation – Safa Foundation
SDP Sivil Dayanışma Platformu SDP Non-Governmental Solidarity Platform
Semerkand Semerkand
Sıcak Yuva Vakfı Sıcak Yuva Foundation
Siyer-i Nebi Eğitim ve Araştırma Derneği Siyer-i Nebi Education and Research Association
Türkiye Ilmi İçtimal Hizmetler Vakfı Turkey Scientific İçtimal Services Foundation
Türkiye Gençlik Vakfı Turkey Youth Foundation
TGSP – Türkiye Gençlik STK’ları Platformu TGSP – Turkey Youth NGOs Platform
Türkiye Beyazay Derneği Turkey Beyazay Association
Ülfet Eğitim ve Yardımlaşma Derneği Ülfet Education and Cooperation Association
Ümmet Vakfı Ümmet Foundation
Ümraniye Hizmet Vakfı Ümraniye Service Foundation
Veysel Karani Hırka-i Şerif Camii Hizmet Vakfı Veysel Karani Hırka-i Şerif Mosque Service Foundation
Suriçi Grubu Platformu Suriçi Group Platform
Akadder Anadolu Kadın ve Aile Derneği Akadder Anatolia Women and Family Association
AKDAV Aksa Eğitim ve Dayanışma Vakfı AKDAV Aksa Education and Solidarity Foundation
Akdeniz Derneği – Akdeniz Eğitim Sağlık Yardımlaşma Derneği Akdeniz Association – Akdeniz Education Health Cooperation Association
AKDER Ayrımcılığa Karşı Kadın Hakları Derneği AKDER Women’s Rights Against Discrimination Association
Bayrampaşa Yeşil Cami Ilme Hizmet Vakfı Bayrampaşa Yeşil Mosque Service to Science Foundation
BAY-DER Bağımsız Yaşam Derneği BAY-DER Independent Life Association
Basın Yayın Birliği Basın Yayın Union
BEKAM Bilim Eğitim Kültür Arastırmaları Merkezi BEKAM Science Education Culture Studies Center
Kasımpaşalı Kemal Efendi Ilim ve Hizmet Vakfı Kasımpaşalı Kemal Efendi Knowledge and Service Foundation
Çukurova Ilim Vakfı Çukurova Knowledge Foundation
Davet ve Kardeşlik Vakfı Davet and Kardeşlik Foundation
Dayanışma Vakfı Solidarity Foundation
Deniz Feneri Derneği Deniz Feneri Association
Ensar Vakfı Ensar Foundation
ESV Eyüp Sultan Ilim Kültür Hizmet Vakfı ESV Eyüp Sultan Knowledge Culture Service Foundation
EKEV Erzurum Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı EKEV Erzurum Culture and Education Foundation
FIAV Farukiye Vakfı FIAV Farukiye Foundation
Sivasallılar (?) Vakfı Sivasallılar (?) Foundation
Hamidiye Vakfı Hamidiye Foundation
Hayrat Vakfı Hayrat Foundation
Hayat Vakfı – Hayat Sağlık ve Sosyal Hizmetler Vakfı Hayat Foundation – Hayat Health and Social Services Foundation
Istanbul Daru’l Fünun Ilahiyat Vakfı Istanbul Daru’l Fünun Ilahiyat Foundation
ISTV Ilim Sanat Tarih Edebiyat Vakfı ISTV Knowledge Art History Literature Foundation
ISAV Islami Ilimler Araştırma Vakfı ISAV Islamic Knowledge Research Foundation
Istanbul Vefa Vakfı Istanbul Vefa Foundation
Ihlas Vakfı Ihlas Foundation
IKAD-DER Istanbul Kadın ve Kadın Kuruluşları Derneği IKAD-DER Istanbul Women and Women’s Foundations Association
Imdat Vakfı Imdat Foundation
Filistin Platformu – Turkish Palestine Platform Turkish Palestine Platform
Medeniyet Gençliği Modernity Youth
Meda Platformu Meda Platform
MERKEZSEV Merkez Selçuklu Hizmet ve Eğitim Vakfı MERKEZSEV Central Selçuklu Service and Education Foundation
Merve Vakfı – Merve Eğitim Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Vakfı Merve Foundation – Merve Education Culture and Cooperation Foundation
MANA-DER Manisa Araştırma Derneği MANA-DER Manisa Research Association
ORFAMDER Orman Fakülteliler Derneği ORFAMDER Orman Fakülteliler Association
Okçular Vakfı Okçular Foundation
IL-SAN DER Osmaniye Sanat ve Kültür Derneği IL-SAN DER Osmaniye Art and Culture Association
Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı Osmanlı Researchları Foundation
Özkevser Vakfı – Özkevser Eğitim Kültür Sosyal Yardımlaşma Dayanışma Vakfı Özkevser Foundation – Özkevser Education Culture Social Cooperation Solidarity Foundation
IGEDER Insani Gelişim Derneği IGEDER Human Development Association
SARAJEVO Foundation for Education Development SARAJEVO Foundation for Education Development
Suffa Vakfı Suffa Foundation
Şefkat Vakfı Şefkat Foundation
TACEV Fahrettin Tacar Eğitim Vakfı TACEV Fahrettin Tacar Education Foundation
Toplum ve Medeniyet Platformu Toplum and Modernity Platform
TIMAV Turkiye Imam Hatipliler Vakfı TIMAV Turkiye Imam Hatip Alumni Foundation
TIDEF Türkiye Ilahiyat Tedrisatına Yardım Eden Dernekler Federasyonu TIDEF Federation of Foundations Helping Religious Education
TOKKON Tokat Dernekleri Konfederasyonu TOKKON Tokat Foundations Confederation
Insan Medeniyet Hareketi Human Modernity Hareketi
MEMUR-SEN Memur Sendikaları Konfederasyonu MEMUR-SEN Civil Servants Unions Confederation
Verenel Derneği Verenel Association
Yeni Dünya Vakfı New World Foundation
Yeryüzü Eğitim ve Yardımlaşma Vakfı Worldwide Education and Cooperation Foundation
Yeryüzü Mühendisleri – Engineers Worldwide Engineers Worldwide
Yedi Hilal Yedi Hilal
Anadolu Öğrenci Birliği Anatolia Student Union
Anadolu Platformu – Anadolu Eğitim ve Davet (?) Gönüllüleri Platformu Anatolia Platform – Anatolia Education and Invitation (?) Volunteers Platform
Anadolu Tevhid Vakfı Anatolia Tevhid Foundation
ANSED Antalya Sağlık Eğitim Gençlik Spor Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği ANSED Antalya Health Education Youth Sports Culture and Solidarity Association
BEK Beyoğlu Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı BEK Beyoğlu Education and Culture Foundation
BT Bilişim Teknolojileri Derneği BT Information Technologies Association
BILIM/DER Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı BILIM/DER Science and Art Foundation
Dersaadet Kültür Platformu Dersaadet Culture Platform
Divan Araştırma ve Eğitim Derneği Divan Research and Education Association
Doğu Türkistan Maarif ve Dayanışma Derneği East Turkistan Maarif and Solidarity Association
Dokuz Eylül Gençlik Derneği Dokuz Eylül Youth Association
Fetih Ilim ve Araştırma Vakfı Fetih Knowledge and Research Foundation
Fidan Eğitim Kurumları Derneği Fidan Educational Institutions Association
HEKIM-BIR Hekimler Birliği Vakfı HEKIM-BIR Doctors Union Foundation
Hilaliyye Eğitim Vakfı Hilaliyye Education Foundation
Hizmet Vakfı Service Foundation
Hoca Ahmed Yesevi Ilim ve Irfan Vakfı Hoca Ahmed Yesevi Knowledge and Irfan Foundation
Gönül Köprüsü Derneği Gönül Köprüsü Association
Istanbul Ilim ve Kültür Vakfı Istanbul Knowledge and Culture Foundation
Istanbul Mali Müşavirler ve Muhasebeciler Derneği Istanbul Mali Müşavirler and Muhasebeciler Association
ISTEV Istanbul Eğitim Vakfı ISTEV Istanbul Education Foundation
Izmir Milli Kültüre Hizmet Vakfı Izmir National Service to Culture Foundation
Istanbul Dostluk Derneği Istanbul Friendship Association
Ismail Camii Ilim ve Hizmet Vakfı Ismail Camii Knowledge and Service Foundation
IDV Iş Dünyası Vakfı IDV Iş Dünyası Foundation
Kevser Kültür ve Eğitime Hizmet Derneği Kevser Culture and Service to Education Association
Kafkas Vakfı Kafkas Foundation
HEY-DER Şehid Ali Haydar Bengi Derneği HEY-DER Şehid Ali Haydar Bengi Association
Müftü Ahmet Hulusi Efendi Kültür Eğitim Sağlık Vakfı Müftü Ahmet Hulusi Efendi Culture Education Health Foundation
MMG imar ve Mühendisler Grubu – Architects and Engineers Group MMG Architects and Engineers Group
Malatya Meşale Eğitim Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Derneği Malatya Meşale Education Culture and Cooperation Association
Edirne Mimar Sinan Vakfı Edirne Mimar Sinan Foundation
EHV Eğitim ve Hizmet Vakfı EHV Education and Service Foundation
IHL Önder IHL Önder
Ömer Derin Vakfı Ömer Derin Foundation
Rabia Platform Rabia Platform
Reyhan Kültür Vakfı Reyhan Culture Foundation
Ribat Eğitim Vakfı Ribat Education Foundation
Bizim Çocuklar Our Children
GESIDER Genç Siyasetçiler ve Girişimciler Derneği GESIDER Young Politicians and Entrepreneurs Association
Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği Turkey Writers Union
Burak Mukaddes Mekanlar Tanıtma ve Kültür Derneği Burak Holy Places Advertising and Culture Association
Bülbülzade Eğitim Sağlık ve Dayanışma Vakfı Bülbülzade Education Health and Solidarity Foundation
TGTV Türkiye Gönüllü Teşekküller Vakfı TGTV Turkey Gönüllü Teşekküller Foundation
Uluslarası Hukukçular Birliği International Legal Experts Union
ASKAN Anadolu Aslanları Işadamları Derneği ASKAN Anatolia Lions Businessmen [sic] Association
Büyük Selçuklu Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı Büyük Selçuklu Culture and Education Foundation
???? ????
ARDEV Araştırma Dayanışma ve Eğitim Vakfı ARDEV Research Solidarity and Education Foundation
Artvinliler Vakfı Artvinliler Foundation
Genç-Düşün Istanbul Gençlik ve Düşünce Kulübü Genç-Düşün Istanbul Youth and Thought Club
Dünya Turkmenler Eğitim Vakfı Dünya Turkmenler Education Foundation
Dünya Kırım Türkleri Kültür ve Iktisadi Işbirliği Derneği Dünya Kırım Turks Culture and Finance Union Association
KADEM Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği KADEM Women and Democracy Association
Fikav Florya Hizmet Ilim Aile Kültür ve Çevre Koruma Vakfı Fikav Florya Service Knowledge Family Culture and Environment Protection Foundation
FIDDER Filistin Dayanışma Derneği FIDDER Palestine Solidarity Association
Sadakataşı Derneği Sadakataşı Association
Hukukçu Kadınlar Platformu Hukukçu Women Platform
Hukukun Üstünlüğü Platformu The Primacy of Law Platform
Klasik Türk Sanatları Vakfı Classical Turkish Arts Foundation
Muradiye Mezunlar Derneği Muradiye Almuni Association
Hicret Vakfı – Hicret Eğitim Kültür ve Hizmet Vakfı Hicret Foundation – Hicret Education Culture and Service Foundation
Hukuçular Derneği Legal Experts Association
Hak-İş Hak-İş
Milli Türk Talebe Birliği National Turkish Students Union
Siyasal Vakfı – I.Ü. Siyasal Bigiler Fakültesi Mezunları ve Mensupları Vakfı Istanbul University Political Science School Alumni and Members Foundation
Kalem Eğitim Kültür Akademi Derneği Kalem Education Culture Academia Association
Kestanepazarı Öğrenci Yetiştirme Derneği Kestanepazarı Student Development Association
SPD Sosyal Politikalar Derneği SPD Social Policies Association
Mirasımız Kudüs ve Civarındaki Osmanlı Mirasını Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği Our Heritage Jerusalem and Nearby Ottoman Heritage Protection and Survival Association
Mozaik Kadın ve Aile Derneği Mozaik Women and Family Association
Sami Efendi Vakfı Sami Efendi Foundation


Logos of the organizations allegedly in support of the above statement

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