Kurdish LGBTI

In Dersim, a rainbow appears under the moonlight

Source: Yasemin Aykaç, “Dersim’de Gökkuşağı Ayışığında Beliriyor,” (“In Dersim, a rainbow appears under the moonlight”), bianet, 13 February 2014, http://bianet.org/bianet/lgbtt/153461-dersim-de-gokkusagi-ayisiginda-beliriyor?bia_source=newsletter

Roştîya Asmê, which is the first LGBT association in Dersim, means “moonlight” in Zazaki. Loren Elva says “Homophobia is the same everywhere. Every region calls hate by a different name. We should not be deceived by Dersim’s political stance.”

“We dedicated the name Roştîya Asmê to transgender sex workers who are imprisoned at home in mornings, in darkness at nights, whose rainbows appear under the moonlight, and to homosexuals and transgenders who are slaughtered in the darkness of night, under the light of the moon.”

Roştîya Asmê, which is the first LGBT association to be founded in Dersim, means “moonlight” in Zazaki.
