women’s rights

Evaluating Hate Murders based on SOGI in Turkey: Shortcomings and Proposals

Between January 2010 and November 2014, 47 individuals have been killed due to their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. These deaths are represented in the infographic below (pdf, source, license), with data collected by LGBTI News Turkey volunteers from various online news media and LGBTI associations.

LGBTI hate murders in Turkey 2010-2014

LGBTI hate murders in Turkey 2010-2014

It is important to note that these figures point to the lack of information regarding a significant part of Turkey. This scarcity of data may be caused by the intersection of several factors:

a) Issues of visibility in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) in Turkey,
b) Lack of official data (the Republic of Turkey does not recognise SOGI as categories pertaining to discrimination and hate crimes),
c) Systematic lack of attention and reach by Turkish mainstream media sources to regions populated by religious and ethnic [Kurdish] minorities.


LBT Women, Too, Met in Ankara to “Break the Chain”

Source: “Eşcinsel, Biseksüel ve Trans Kadınlar da “Zincirleri Kırmak” için Ankara’da Buluştu,” (“Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans Women, Too, Met in Ankara to “Break the Chain”,”) kaosGL.org, 17 February 2014, http://www.kaosgl.com/sayfa.php?id=15830

The Ankara act of “One Billion Rising”, worldwide protests against violence against women, took place in Sakarya Square on February 14. Organized for the second time, Berna Köse of Middle East Technical University’s LGBTT group METU LGBTT Solidarity, gave a speech on the violence and human rights violations experienced by lesbian, bisexual and trans women.

“The morals of the heterosexist order is the killer of many lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people” said Köse, mentioning lesbians who are forced into marriage, bisexuals raped due to their sexual orientation and hate crimes.

“Viva Love Between Women!

Köse continued her speech in the event entitled “justice” for this year’s Valentine’s Day:

“Today I would like to tell you about the love between women and that gender reassignment surgeries are covered 100% by the state. And that the term “unnatural sexual act” was repealed from the Constitution of North Cyprus. But I will not do that as the situation for lesbian, bisexual and trans people has never been one for celebration.”

Following Köse’s speech, Gülüm Pekcan and H. Veli Kurt performed their play “Requiem for Child Brides” and women danced to the song “Break the Chain”.

“Let the house be a mess!”, “Viva love between women!”, “Woman, life, freedom” (in Kurdish), “Justice does not come from customs!”, “My murderer is in my bed!”, “I did not come from your rib, you came from my vagina!”, “We want the world, not the kitchens!”, “I did not give birth to violence!”, “We are no incubators!” and “Bridal dress is the shroud of childhood!” were among the banners used in Sakarya Square to spread women’s messages.