Peace Walk

Mersin 7 Colors LGBT: We Want Peace, Ayol!*

TN: Mersin 7 Colors LGBT is one of the many LGBT organizations across Turkey that celebrated International Day of Peace on September 1st. Their enthusiasm and their presence in a demonstration outside the metropolitan areas of Istanbul and Ankara is important to draw attention to.  

Source: Kaos GL, “7 Renk Mersin LGBT: Barış İstiyoruz Ayol!” (“Mersin 7 Colors LGBT: We Want Peace, Ayol!”) 2 September 2013,

“You cannot bring peace and tranquility to this country unless you take the steps to eliminate homophobic and transphobic hate and secure LGBT rights in the constitution”

Mersin LGBT 7 Colors Community stated that the way to social peace goes through making peace with LGBTs, as they took part in the “International Day of Peace” on September 1st.

The LGBT community carried rainbow flags and a big “Mersin 7 Colors LGBT” banner. They took part in the Peace Walk and then joined the rally in Atatürk Street and were the center of attention for all other groups and citizens during the activities.

7 Colors members started the day at 1:00 PM with breakfast in the association building that is currently in the foundation phase. After breakfast they prepared for the Peace Walk with enthusiasm and at 4:30 PM they gathered in front of the building to start walking from İstiklal Street to İstasyon Square. There, they joined the corteges of the Socialist Democratic Party (SDP) and the Socialist Re-establishment Party (SYKP) and walked together to İstasyon Square. The group of 7 Colors was about 100 people, they shouted slogans and shared their voice during the Peace Walk in Mersin. When the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) joined the cortege in Station Square, they continued their slogans as they walked together to the Mersin Metropolitan Municipality.

We Want Peace, Ayol!

LGBT entities in Adana such as Queer Adana and The Gay Initiative of Çukurova supported 7 Colors and took their place in the cortege. The whole group shouted slogans during the walk and reached Atatürk Street: “The homophobic government will certainly fall!”, “No to war, we want peace and we want it now!”, “Do not be silent, shout that homosexuals exist!”, “Do not be silent, shout that transsexuals exist!”, “The world would shake, if homosexuals were free!”, “Ah, oh, ah, oh!”, “Where are you, my love? I’m here, my love!”, “We want peace, ayol!”, “In school, at work, in parliament, homosexuals are everywhere!”
