Yeni Akit: Immoral march at METU! Their minds are not pursuing knowledge, but faggotry

Yeni Akit is a conservative daily newspaper that engages in hate speech against LGBTI people and other groups. This is a verbatim translation. 

Source: Yeni Akit, “ODTÜ’de ahlaksız yürüyüş! Akılları bilime değil ‘ib..eliğe’ çalışıyor,” 15 May 2017,

A group of homosexual, perverted students marched in heresy for “pride” at METU [Middle East Technical University], marking the 7th METU Pride March. This immoral march led to the comment, “their minds are not pursuing knowledge, but faggotry.”

The LGBT perverts signed off on yet another scandal, as they ignore the spiritual values of the Muslim Turkish nation and worked to normalize such immorality in Turkey. Homosexual perverts held the immoral pride march at METU, known as the address for scandals and as a safe haven for terrorist organizations. During the march, homosexual perverts again displayed immorally and were again chanting slogans. The march which began on the campus finished in the stadium.

The fact that METU fosters this kind of terror and immorality drew out the criticism “their minds are not pursuing knowledge, but faggotry.” Another question that has been raised, is when will the authorities stop this immorality that violates the national and spiritual values of the Muslim Turkish nation.

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